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Camel Up

Camel Up

This camel race is completely crazy: When the hump-backed animals land on a space they have to piggyback on top of one another – and the one on the bottom brings the others along for the ride! What’s going to happen? That’s for the players to work out: They’ll be betting on the outcome of the race as well as who’s in the lead along the way, when each camel has moved once. You can win a lot of money if you’ve got a good nose for these things. But it can often go wrong when, against all odds, the camels do what they want. This hectic game works with small and large groups. With six or more players there is obviously much less chance to influence the game but it’s not important because that’s when “Camel Up” goes from a family game to a great party game.

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Jury statement
“Camel Up“ is a family game par excellence. Its intuitive rules mean that all players get involved straight away. And no-one’s left behind: The frantic race stirs up a host of emotions, players of all ages find themselves hoping, worrying and laughing. With the game’s short playing time there’s always chance for a rematch. The well-designed game components are also particularly attractive. At the top of the list is the innovative pyramid dice shaker that creates the atmosphere and makes Camel Up successful as a complete artwork.