“Eselsbrücke” literally means “donkey bridge” but is used to refer to a mnemonic – a way of remembering lists of things. That’s what you’ll need in this game, where you have to tell the other players a story featuring each of the items on three randomly chosen picture tiles. For example: Red Riding Hood, sunglasses, Mallorca. Or: love, canoe, parrot. Only when each player has told three crazy stories, players try to remember the first words. Each player receives one of a story’s pictures and must then remember another word in that story. So players who simply can’t believe that they will be able to remember so many words will be taught a better way of doing so. Communication and entertainment will convince even the most sceptical of the power of the “donkey bridge.”
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Jury statement
Using mnemonics makes it easier to remember certain things. This family game uses its 180 lovingly illustrated concept tiles to teach this well-known memory technique in an especially creative way. Making up these imaginative stories requires communication skills and will draw a smile from the listeners. A special mention must be given to the simplified rules of the exceptional revised version.