Spiel des Jahres 2022
CASCADIA by Randy Flynn
Flatout Games / AEG / Kosmos
Illustration: Beth Sobel
1 to 4 players aged 10 and up
Nominated for Spiel des Jahres 2022
Scout by Kei Kajino
Oink Games
Illustration: Rie Komatsuzaki and Jun Sasaki
3 to 5 players aged 9 and up
Top Ten by Aurélien Picolet
Cocktail Games
Illustration: Laura Michaud
4 to 9 players aged 12 and up
Recommendation list
7 Wonders: Architects by Antoine Bauza (Repos Production)
Echoes: Die Tänzerin (Echoes: The Dancer) by Dave Neale and Matthew Dunstan (Ravensburger)
Magic Rabbit by Julie Dutois, Romaric Galonnier, Ludovic Simonet and Cécile Ziégler (Funbot / Lumberjacks Studio)
My Gold Mine by Michael Loth, Christof Schilling and Hans Joachim Höh (Kosmos)
So Kleever (So Clover) by François Romain (Repos Production)
Trek 12: Himalaja by Bruno Cathala and Corentin Lebrat (Lumberjacks Studio / Pandasaurus Games)
Kinderspiel des Jahres 2022
ZAUBERBERG (MAGIC MOUNTAIN) by Jens-Peter Schliemann and Bernhard Weber
Illustration: Annette Nora Kara
1 to 4 children aged 5 and up
Nominated for Kinderspiel des Jahres 2022
Auch schon clever (Ganz schön clever [That’s pretty clever] Kids) by Wolfgang Warsch
Illustration: Glen Viljoen
2 to 4 children aged 5 and up
Mit Quacks & Co. nach Quedlinburg (Quacks & Co. Quedlinburg Dash) by Wolfgang Warsch
Illustration: Michael Menzel
2 to 4 children aged 6 and up
Recommendation list Kinderspiel
Die Villa der Vampire by Guido Hoffmann and Jens-Peter Schliemann (Drei Magier)
Fröschis (Froggies) by Haim Shafir (Amigo)
Golden Ei by Oliver Igelhaut (Igel Minis)
Honey by Anna Oppolzer and Stefan Kloß (Pegasus Spiele)
Kennerspiel des Jahres 2022
LIVING FOREST by Aske Christiansen
Pegasus Spiele / Ludonaute
Illustration: Apolline Etienne
2 to 4 players aged 10 and up
Nominated for Kennerspiel des Jahres 2022
Cryptid by Hal Duncan and Ruth Veevers
Osprey Games / Skellig Games
Illustration: Kwanchai Moriya
3 to 5 players aged 12 and up
Dune: Imperium by Paul Dennen
Dire Wolf
Illustration: Clay Brooks, Raul Ramos and Nate Storm
3 to 4 players aged 13 and up
Recommendation list Kennerspiel
Arche Nova (Ark Nova) by Matthias Wigge (Feuerland)
Khôra by Head Quarter Simulation Game Club (Iello)
Witchstone by Martino Chiacchiera and Reiner Knizia (R&R / Huch)