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The chickens are hanging out on their perch. Some are just sitting there, others are on hay bales or wagon wheels. All in all it’s a pretty precarious situation and your job is to clear the perch, piece by piece. “Chickyboom” is one of these rare …

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Burg Schlummerschatz

In the dead of night, twelve guards keep watch over the castle’s precious treasure. But it’s not for nothing that it has the nickname Sleepy Castle: the guards often like to take a little nap on the job. The crafty thieves know this all too well. …

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Sag’s mir! Junior

20 cards with 20 illustrations and two rounds in which to convey the related concepts to your teammates, all against the clock. That’s the core of “Sag’s mir! Junior.” An adult player starts: drawing 20 of the game’s 220 cards, turning the sand timer over and …

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Buzz, buzz, buzz – bees are buzzing around! The insects work hard to gather honey then disappear into their hives. But which bees are hiding where? When will the bear appear to swipe the golden nectar? Six different coloured bees are covered with identical hives then …

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Joe’s Zoo

Is the tiger hiding with the anteaters? Or the zebra with the flamingos? Things have got all mixed up at Joe’s zoo. Maybe the players can sort them out. There are ten animal cards on the table. Joe moves through them according to the roll of …

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Schau mal! Was ist anders?

Was the dolphin jumping out of the water or into it? Was the traffic light red or green? Wasn’t the snowman wearing sunglasses? Was it a long or short pencil? 32 playing cards show an almost identical symbol on each side. Depending on the number of …

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Mucca Pazza

That´s what happens when the creatures allow themselves to be teleported by the cheeky cow “Mucca Pazza” from the planet “Cowpiter” to the earth: while teleporting them, she presses the forbidden “somersault” button. Suddenly the red cat has the body of the blue pig and the …

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Flossen hoch!

16 freche Fische stecken ihre Köpfe aus dem Polarmeer, das im Schachtelboden entstanden ist. An dessen Rand veranstalten die Pinguine ein Wettrennen. Sie brauchen die Fische, um schnell voranzukommen: Je länger ihre Beute ist, desto fixer sind sie. Der Fisch sollte allerdings nicht nur lang sein …

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Die kleinen Nachwuchshexen veranstalten ein Wettrennen: Hoch hinaus geht es für sie, bis zur obersten Turmspitze des Hauses. Das dürfen sie eigentlich nicht. Entsprechend zickig stellen sich ihre Zauberbesen an. Der Besen aus Holz in dem Spiel ist nämlich magnetisch. Und die Scheiben, mit denen die …

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