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Ghost Writer (Phantom Ink)

Ghost Writer (Phantom Ink)

It’s not easy to communicate with the living when you’re dead. This psychic medium only understands what you’re saying letter by letter and a curse means that you’re not able to name any object directly. Instead, people keep asking ridiculous questions like “If the object was an animal, which one would it be?”

Up to eight players can try this game of cryptic communication. At the beginning of the game, the two competing spirits agree on a secret word. Their teams are trying to be the first to guess this word correctly. The medium writes the ghost’s answers letter by letter – no speaking is allowed. “H-E-D-…” As soon as the team guesses what their ghost is trying to say, they can call for silence, which will avoid giving their opponents too much information. The team that guesses the secret word first (the hedgehog was the animal leading the team to the answer ‘hairbrush’) wins the game.