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Machi Koro

Machi Koro

Our little town is ready to grow. Where at first only wheat fields and the village bakery slept the day away, soon the urban sprawl will give rise to shops, factories and cafés. Each player is the new mayor of one such mini-metropolis and wants to construct the four landmarks: train station, radio tower, amusement park and shopping mall. Players take turns to roll (at first) one die, then all players check whether their buildings produce any income. Some buildings only bring in money on the active player’s turn, others when it’s someone else’s go too. This money is in turn invested in new enterprises – or in one of the important landmarks. “Machi Koro” is a quick and light strategic building game for little and large town planners, who live in little and large towns.

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Jury statement
Who has the best vision for their flourishing metropolis? In “Machi Koro” the player is confronted on almost every street corner with decisions that have political and economic consequences. This is what town planning should look like! No matter whether industry, restaurants or agriculture – there is a huge number of strategic possibilities ranging from the peaceful to the ruthless. There´s something for everyone here. The variant “Come what may” is particularly recommended.