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Qwixx is a fast game and mixes a pinch of tactics with the luck of the dice: The players all go hunting for numbers that are listed on the score pad in four coloured rows of either two to twelve or twelve to two. A player rolls six dice and calls out the sum of the two white dice. Everyone can cross off this number in any row on the pad – as long as he places this cross to the right of all other crosses already in this row. The active player may now, according to this rule, mark the sum of a white and a coloured die in the corresponding row. If the roller of the dice cannot make an entry, he collects some minus points. Plus points are awarded for the number of crosses in a row; the more, the better. Bonus points are collected by the player that completes a row for all the participants.

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Jury statement
With minimum use of materials, Qwixx provides a maximum of dice rolling fun. The quick game in a little box with easily understood rules delights all generations alike. Since everyone can benefit from each lie of the dice, all the players eagerly await the next roll. Take a risk or remain prudent? The entertaining mix of luck and tactics has the potential to be a perennial favourite – especially since the box fits into the smallest luggage.