When the wizard Balduin calls, the sorcerers apprentices rush to him. But it’s a long way down the mountain. Luckily, players can use the will-o’-the-wisp marbles to help the apprentices down the marble-run course, as long as the marbles actually hit them. Because once it has left the top of the mountain, the will-o’-the-wisp can go where it wants: sometimes left, sometimes right. Then there are the witches, who also want to become sorcerers and they too will move when the marble hits them. The stage is set for a magical race, where all players are thrilled to see where the will-o’-the-wisp marble will end up. Everything in this fascinating co-operative game has been well thought out, from its quick setup to its detailed rules, so that children will always be enchanted by the “Magic Mountain”.
“Magic Mountain” breathes new life into the well-loved marble run. It becomes the setting for a magical race: co-operative, in teams or even solo. The attractive setup draws children to the table and the innovative marble mechanic keeps them there. Players will stare in amazement at the course as they have lively discussions about where to place the marble. This is the total package and will keep kids enchanted.