“Nova Luna” is an abstract tile-laying game in astral form. The objective: place square tiles to complete the highest number of goals depicted on them as efficiently as possible. For instance, a tile could require that two turquoise and two red tiles are placed adjacent to …
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Everyone likes llamas! In the speedy card game Lama, the llama isn’t just the mascot for the game but also provides the German acronym “Lege alle Minuspunkte ab” (something like “Leave All your Minus points Aside”). Behind this slogan lies a simple principle for how to …
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“The Mind” is a co-operative card game with an almost banal concept. Over various levels, players all have to play number cards from their hand, in ascending order. The twist: not a single word may be spoken about your own cards. There are no defined turns, …
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What’s the secret word that will allow the villagers to chase away the werewolves from their village? The mayor knows it. Everyone else has to ask him yes or no questions: “Can you eat it?” or “Can you buy it?” Players only have a few minutes …
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The objective of “The Game” soon becomes clear: players co-operate to correctly discard all the cards which have values of between 2 and 99. On two of the piles the cards have to be played in ascending order, on the other two in descending order. On …
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In the race and collection game Luxor, players enter an ancient Egyptian temple with their team of adventurers and make their way along its corridors to the tomb of the Pharaoh. The route to the centre is already lined with valuable vases, statues, jewellery and other …
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As a merchant with a penchant for gems, the players in “Splendor” have joined the precious stone business. You’ll purchase mines, establish transport routes, employ skillful polishers and open jewellery boutiques in the shopping alleys of the Renaissance. And by positioning yourself particularly cleverly, you can …
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Qwixx is a fast game and mixes a pinch of tactics with the luck of the dice: The players all go hunting for numbers that are listed on the score pad in four coloured rows of either two to twelve or twelve to two. A player …
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Las Vegas is the place to gamble: you roll your eight dice and place all the dice of one number onto the matching casino, so the dice showing a five onto casino number five. Each of the six casinos offers vastly different winnings. That’s why you …
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