A group of adventurers sets off in search of the legendary treasure of a mysterious jungle temple. But no-one banked on the guardians, who will try and prevent the gold and jewels of their ancestors being stolen – at any cost! To that end, they have …
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There are werewolves in the village. But whose face are they hiding behind? The objective of the communication-based bluffing and party game “One Night Ultimate Werewolf” is to find out. At the beginning of the game each player is secretly assigned a character. Then night draws …
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Auch wenn das Cover von finsteren Mafiosi-Gestalten bevölkert ist, geht es in diesem „sizilianischen Abenteuer“ doch ganz unblutig zu. In der ersten Phase bauen die Spieler gemeinsam ihre Stadt auf, indem sie reihum entsprechende Häuser-Plättchen auslegen. Jeder versucht, seine Lokale möglichst nah beieinander zu platzieren oder …
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