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Three times three – that’s how you win the game of ‘Trio’. The game is made up of three sets of cards numbered one to twelve – some will be in players’ hands, others face-down in the middle of the table. The aim is to carefully …

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That’s Not a Hat

Newspaper, magnifying glass, roller skate, fried egg, computer. Surely it’s possible to remember this small number of objects… or so you would think. But while the fried egg card is always passed clockwise around the table – face-down of course – the roller skate goes in …

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Humans need rituals. They give us support, remind us that we’re not alone and create a feeling of solidarity, especially in times of difficulty. ‘Ritual’ transforms this experience into a game. Players swap coloured runes with each other to try and fulfil their own personal collection …

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Krasse Kacke

The name of this game (“Who did it”?) and the cute animal illustrations are definitely aimed at children. But Who Did It? can be fun for grown-ups too, especially grown-ups who are still children at heart. Which means us. We have to free our own pets …

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La Boca

Welcome to La Boca, a quarter of Buenos Aires characterised by brightly painted houses. The aim of this communicative construction game is to recreate such colourful facades using ten to eleven wooden blocks. Two facing players team up to quickly solve this challenge. The special clou …

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Alle Mitspieler zeichnen gleichzeitig einen Begriff und versuchen währenddessen zu erraten, was die Bilder der anderen darstellen sollen. Zu Beginn einer Runde werden sechs Karten mit jeweils sieben thematisch zusammenpassenden Wörtern ausgestellt. Jedem Spieler wird geheim ein Begriff zugeteilt. Dabei hilft eine klare Symbolik, die auch …

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Skull & Roses

Ein von Rosen umrahmter Totenkopf – die Grafik auf der Schachtel macht einen morbiden Eindruck. Doch das Bluffspiel, das sich im Innern des Kartons verbirgt, wirkt auf Zocker wie ein Lebenselixier. Das Rezept dafür ist einfach: Jeder Spieler hat vier Karten in Bierdeckelform – drei Rosen, …

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Each of the 84 large-format cards is a little work of art. The lovingly constructed images are there to set players’ imagination racing. Each player has six cards to choose from. One player, the storyteller, thinks of an idea inspired by a card, says it out …

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One player describes, all the others draw: using more or fewer words, the art director describes the artwork in his or her hand. The artists aren’t expected to create identical duplicates, that’s not what this game’s about. The time is quickly up then with great anticipation …

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