It’s morning in the rainforest. Gradually – tile by tile – the animal kingdom is waking up to their colourful life – with help from the players’ memory and a little bit of luck. At the beginning of the game all the individual tiles are face-down …
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Help, the monsters are loose! 54 unique creatures are bustling around the centre of table. Some monsters are yellow, others are red, some have six eyes, others have sharp teeth and horns. There are 12 such characteristics which define this wild bunch but each monster has …
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Seven racketeers are sharing out their loot and counting honestly around the table: up to seven, back to one, up to seven and so on. The cards on the table show what to do: count aloud or clear your throat? Keep quiet or shout twice? The …
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Memory games for kids are not exactly seldom. “Bim Bamm!” is one of them, but it adds nifty new elements. Both sides of the cards are printed with five different creatures. Each occurs six times, and we are not looking for twins but rather for quintuplets. …
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