How do I say what I know without saying what I know? It sounds complicated but it’s not really. You secretly look at one of five pictures then roll some dice. The aim is to pick the symbol on the dice that best depicts the picture …
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Robots can do lots of things: fly, turn into cars, translate foreign languages, save damsels in distress … But in general you can separate robots into three speed categories: slow, normal and fast. This is the only information the other players have when the robot-player navigates …
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“The Mind” is a co-operative card game with an almost banal concept. Over various levels, players all have to play number cards from their hand, in ascending order. The twist: not a single word may be spoken about your own cards. There are no defined turns, …
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Three rows with nine spaces each: players need to fill in their score sheets with numbers in ascending order. Tough? Not really, but you never know what’s going to happen with the roll of a dice. Which spaces should you keep free to add something in …
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The objective of “The Game” soon becomes clear: players co-operate to correctly discard all the cards which have values of between 2 and 99. On two of the piles the cards have to be played in ascending order, on the other two in descending order. On …
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Qwixx is a fast game and mixes a pinch of tactics with the luck of the dice: The players all go hunting for numbers that are listed on the score pad in four coloured rows of either two to twelve or twelve to two. A player …
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