It’s thrilling to be able to use objects to listen to the soundscape of days gone by. As an investigator with supernatural abilities it’s our job to do just that in “Echoes: The Dancer”. An app lets us do this: by scanning picture cards showing objects …
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Newspaper, magnifying glass, roller skate, fried egg, computer. Surely it’s possible to remember this small number of objects… or so you would think. But while the fried egg card is always passed clockwise around the table – face-down of course – the roller skate goes in …
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People have faces. Animals have faces. And sometimes – at least in our imaginations – even everyday objects have faces. The phenomenon of recognising faces in things and patterns is called pareidolia. A quirk from which “Facecards” has made a fun combination game. Each player picks …
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What’s the secret word that will allow the villagers to chase away the werewolves from their village? The mayor knows it. Everyone else has to ask him yes or no questions: “Can you eat it?” or “Can you buy it?” Players only have a few minutes …
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Little Red Riding Hood is on her way to visit Grandmother and must avoid the wolf. Robin Hood wants to get one over on the Sheriff of Nottingham, King Arthur wants to reach the round table and Dracula is wreaking havoc in Transylvania. In the tile-laying …
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Help! A naughty but nimble cockroach whizzes back and forth across the kitchen and drives the chef almost to despair. True to the motto “Place the the cutlery right, and the cockroach will be gone without a fight”, the players as vermin exterminators try to manoeuvre …
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Pfade in einem satten Blau schlängeln sich über den anfangs noch leeren Spielplan. Mit jedem der sechseckigen Plättchen wird das Wegegeflecht in dem leicht zugänglichen Legespiel verschlungener. Hier heißt es, die Übersicht zu behalten – und das passende Plättchen nachzuziehen. Wer Schatzfelder mit eigenen Ausgängen verbindet, …
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In “Wettlauf nach El Dorado” every player wants to be the first to discover the mythical golden treasure. But the journey is a long one: adventurers will have to hack through the jungle with machetes and make their way across dangerous waters. It’s a good thing …
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Zauberer Magor möchte den Zauberwettbewerb gewinnen. Beim Üben stört jedoch der freche Rabe. Der stibitzt immer wieder Magors Aufgabenkarten. Damit fliegt er so schnell um den Zauberkessel, dass er nicht mehr sichtbar ist. Zum Glück können die Spieler ihn hören und fangen. Dabei gilt es, gut …
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