Manuel Fritsch

Manuel Fritsch was born 1977 during a stay abroad of his parents in Mexico. He spent his school and university years in the Swabian capital of Stuttgart before moving even further south to sunny Freiburg/Breisgau. There he lives with his wife and two sons.

The Spiel des Jahres award for “El Grande” in 1996 sparked his passion for board games – and that has been burning ever since. After 15 years within his own agency, he left the management in 2015 and has since worked as a freelance journalist for video game magazines and newspapers. In his podcast Insert Moin, Manuel Fritsch has been reporting daily since 2010 on digital and analogue games, cultural aspects and the people behind the products.

Astrid-Lindgren-Straße 3, D-79100 Freiburg
+49 151 – 15 79 28 17‬